Monday, June 04, 2007

"Prince Valiant Smash!"

I don't normally read the Sunday funnies because, good God, have you read an actual Sunday comics page lately? I can't think of anything more depressing. But when visitors left a copy of the local daily at my apartment recently, I took the opportunity to see how bad the Sunday comics page had gotten, and, lo and behold, I found what might just be the single best Prince Valiant panel of all time.

How its creators arrived at such an image can be demonstrated by simple arithmetic.




Unknown said...


I'll assume that's a funny coincidence and not a ripoff. ;-)

Caleb said...

Woah! Um...great minds thing alike?

I actually thought about making a crossover joke first I was going in the "These Planet Hulk tie-ins are getting out of hand now that even Prince Valiant is involved" direction.

ailaG said...

Uh, that actually might be a joke about the Action Comics #1 cover.